The association has a well experienced people in its executive board. The board carries out the policies as set by the membership that outlines the way the association operate to accomplish its missions and goals. The Presidents serves aas a Chief Executive Officer under the constitution and bylaws. The President has the role to chair all executive board meetings, appoints all members of standing committee and also signs all checks. Similarly Vice President serves at the direction of the President, would complete unexpired term of the President in case of a vanancy and generally serves as a Chief Executive Officer in the absence of the President. Likewise, the General Secretary is responsible for the minutes of all the meetings of the executive board and the general membership. Another important board position, Treasurer is responsible for recieving and disbursing money, countersigning all checks, notifying members of non-payment of dues and presenting financial reports to all the membership.

Tul Singh Gurung

Tul Singh Gurung


Ang Norbu Sherpa

Immediate Past President (IPP)

Lakpa Sherpa

Vice President

Pimba Tenjing Lama (Bhote)

General Secretary

Hareram Khadka

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Abiral Rai


Vinayak Jay Malla

CEB Member

Pasang Kidar Sherpa

CEB Member
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Pemba Rita Sherpa

CEB Member

Tendi Sherpa

CEB Member

Chronology of Executive Board